Lets Stomp Out Hate

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Welcome to the official website for Lets Stomp Out Hate.(L.S.O.H.)   I am Rev. Michael Shoels. My wife Vonda Shoels and I started this organization as a tribute to the numerous victims at "ALL"  the school shootings that have taken place. Especially the 1999 tragic Columbine Shooting where we lost our beloved son Isaiah.  We want to get rid of the cancer thats in most of our public schools today. The cancer is hate and when hate is not probably treated it can spread to others and sometimes the "others" do not live to tell their story. I present this analogy to you.  Do we as American citizen's think twice about where we enroll our kids? You answer that. The point is that these various tragedies have changed our everyday lives. Wouldn't it have been greater if we could have treat this hate earlier. SO America its our time. Together as one.


I want you all to know how much all these tragedies have changed the  way we was a society views things. We need an alternative method for our kids when things like this occur; locking them in the building is not good enough.  This website was created solely to educate "AMERICA" young and old on a disease that is constanly getting bigger and bigger and that disease is hate. The purpose of this website is to anaylze hate, give you the readers an inside look at the tragedy and to promote the Let's Stomp Out Hate Organization. I say to you "AMERICA" join with me and TOGETHER

                 "LET"S STOMP OUT HATE"

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LETS STOMP OUT HATE* 10538 Waving Fields Dr. * Houston * TX * US * 77064